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Get Your Lawn Ready for Winter: Here's How

When the weather gets cold, many people do nothing with their lawns but let them go dormant and wait for temperatures to warm up again in the spring. Yet, you can prepare for winter with these simple steps from Bradley Mowers. If you take care of your lawn now, it will be healthy and vigorous in the spring and summer, giving you better growth and fewer weeds.

Rake Leaves

The first step to preparing your lawn for winter is to rake any fallen leaves. Raking leaves helps prevent mold and mildew from forming on the grass, which damages the grass and makes it more difficult for the turf to recover. Dispose of raked leaves by composting them or putting them into a paper bag with holes so you can use them as mulch around trees or bushes.

Mow and Edge 

The last mow of the season should be a little lower than usual. Cutting lower will help protect the crowns of your grass plants from freezing temperatures. Adjust your mower's settings so grass blades are approximately 1-1/2" long. Edge along sidewalks, driveways and flower beds to give your lawn a clean look going into winter.

Aerate the Lawn

Aerating the lawn is essential in preparing for winter. It lets oxygen, water and nutrients penetrate the roots, promoting healthier growth. Aerate your lawn using a garden fork or a core aerator machine. Do this before the ground freezes over. You can overseed after aeration, which entails planting extra grass seed to encourage fuller grass and cover dry places.

Test Soil and Fertilize

Another step for readying your lawn for winter is to test the soil. Testing will help you determine what nutrients your lawn is lacking. Once you know what your lawn needs, you can fertilize it accordingly. Be sure to use a fertilizer that contains slow-release nitrogen. A slow-release fertilizer will help your lawn stay green and healthy throughout winter. The best time to fertilize warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda grass, is early spring if you live in a warm climate.

When to Winterize Lawns

Depending on your location, you may need to prepare your lawn for winter as early as September. You should start the process when daytime temperatures are below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The goal is to give your grass a chance to grow before the cold weather sets in.

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Get Your Lawn Care Game on Point With These 7 Easy Steps

If you’re new to lawn care, there are many things to learn to keep your lawn looking nice. Read on to get your lawn care game on point with these seven easy steps.

Step 1: Start at the Beginning

The first step to having a luscious, green lawn is to have the right tools and fertilize your lawn. Make sure you have a leaf blower, an edger, a wheelbarrow, a rake and a shovel. One essential tool you'll need is an electric mower to save time when caring for your yard.

Step 2: Aeration

Aeration is one of the most important things you can do for your lawn. It allows oxygen, water and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass, which makes for a healthier, greener lawn. You should aerate your lawn at least once a year or more if you live in an area with high traffic or clay soil. The best time to aerate is in the spring or fall.

Step 3: Fertilization

Fertilizing your lawn is essential to help it stay green and healthy all season long. The best time to fertilize is in the spring, after the last frost. You can use a broadcast or drop spreader to apply fertilizer evenly over your lawn. Be sure to read the directions on the fertilizer package to know how much to apply.

Step 4: Winterization

As temperatures start to drop, it's necessary to winterize your lawn mower. Drain the gas tank, oil the engine and sharpen the blades. This will help prolong the mower's life and ensure it's ready to go when spring rolls around.

Step 5: Spring Prep

As the weather warms up, it's time to start thinking about getting your lawn ready for spring. An essential step to having a luscious, green lawn is knowing when to fertilize. The best time to fertilize is in early spring and late fall. Fertilizing in spring will give your grass the nutrients it needs to survive the harsh summer sun and cold winter. Don’t forget to also water deeply at least once per week.

Step 6: Mowing Maintenance

If you're going to keep your lawn looking nice, you'll need to do some regular maintenance. That means mowing it often. The best way to ensure that your grass is always looking its best is to set a schedule and stick to it. You should also ensure you're using the right mower for the job. A good rule of thumb is to choose a mower that's appropriate for the size of your lawn.

Step 7: Weeding and Watering


Weeding is vital to keeping your lawn looking neat and tidy. Weed every week or as needed. Watering is also key to a healthy lawn. Water deeply and evenly using a sprinkler or hose. Check the forecast before you water to not waste time and water on a rain shower that's on its way.