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Best Walk Behind Lawn Mowers for Small Yards

Best Walk Behind Lawn Mowers for Small Yards

Are you dreaming of a perfectly manicured small yard? Dive into our roundup of the finest walk-behind mowers that can make this dream a reality. We've done our research and tested various models to find the top picks for small yards. Whether you have a tiny patch of grass or a compact backyard, we've got you covered.

The Benefits of Using a Walk-Behind Mower for Small Yards

While a ride-on mower may seem like an easy choice for many yards, there are several benefits to using a walk-behind mower for small yards:

  • Precision: Walk-behind mowers allow for more precise cutting due to their smaller size and maneuverability. This is especially important in tight spaces or when mowing around obstacles.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Walk-behind mowers are generally more affordable than ride-on mowers, making them a budget-friendly option for small yard owners.

  • Versatility: Walk-behind mowers come in various sizes and types, allowing you to choose the best fit for your specific yard needs.

  • Fitness: Pushing a walk-behind mower is a great way to get some exercise while maintaining your lawn. Plus it's better for the environment than using a gas-powered ride-on mower.

  • Storage: Walk-behind mowers are typically smaller in size, making them easier to store in small sheds or garages. This is especially beneficial for those with limited storage space.

What Features Should You Look for in a Lawn Mower for a Small Yard?

Before we get to our top picks, let's go over the key features you should look for when choosing a lawn mower for your small yard. These features can help ensure a smooth, efficient mowing experience.

Size and Maneuverability

As mentioned earlier, the size of your yard helps determine what type and size of walk-behind mower you need. For small yards, a compact, lightweight mower with good maneuverability is ideal. This allows you to easily navigate around tight spots and obstacles without causing damage to your lawn.

Cutting Width

For small yards, a narrower cutting width is ideal. This allows you to maneuver around tight spaces and obstacles with ease. Look for mowers with a cutting width between 18 and 22 inches.

Adjustable Cutting Height

Different types of grass require different cutting heights. For instance, Bermuda grass should be cut shorter than fescue. Look for mowers with adjustable cutting heights, so you can customize your mowing to your specific lawn needs.

Mulching Capability

Small yards can use mulching mowers to cut the grass and spread it back into the lawn. This helps to nourish the soil and promote healthy growth without the need for bagging or raking.


Another key consideration for small yards is terrain. If your yard has uneven surfaces or slopes, opt for a mower with larger rear wheels for better stability and maneuverability. Similarly, if you have a flat, even lawn, smaller wheels should suffice.

Engine Features

Engines are the powerhouse of your lawn mower, and you want to make sure yours is the right size for a small yard. Look for mowers with smaller engine sizes (100–200cc), which should provide enough power without being too bulky or loud.

Easy-Starting Mechanism

Starting a mower can be a hassle, especially if you have to pull a cord multiple times. Look for mowers with an easy-starting mechanism, such as an electric start or push-button start for convenience and ease.

Safety Features

Whether you're considering a gas or electric-powered mower, safety should always be a top priority. Look for mowers with features such as blade brakes, automatic shut-off switches and adjustable handlebars for added safety while mowing.


Proper maintenance is crucial to keep your mower running smoothly and efficiently. Look for mowers with easy-to-access oil and air filters, as well as simple blade removal for sharpening. This can save you time and effort in the long run.

Storage Space

For small yards, storage space can be limited, so consider a mower with a compact design that can easily fit into your garage or shed. Foldable handlebars or collapsible mowers are great options for easy storage.

Bagging Options

Consider whether you want a mower that can mulch or bag grass clippings. Mulching is time-saving and good for your lawn, while bagging is necessary if you don't want grass clippings on the lawn. Look for mowers with multiple bagging options for versatility.


Not all quality mowers have to come with a hefty price tag. Do your research and compare prices to find the best walk-behind mower for your small yard within your budget. Consider factors such as warranties, maintenance costs and durability when making your decision.

Our Walk-Behind Lawn Mowers

Now that you know what features to look for, let's take a closer look at our top picks for the best walk-behind lawn mowers for small yards.

Bradley Even-Cut Commercial Walk-Behind Edger

Kicking off our lineup is the Bradley Even-Cut Commercial Walk-Behind Edger. This wheeled edger makes it easy to trim around sidewalks and landscaping in your small yard, making your curb appeal better and providing a clean edge line. A 4-horsepower Briggs & Stratton recoil-start engine encompassed in a heavy-duty steel frame powers the edger. The cutting depth of this edger can be easily adjusted to suit your needs, making it a versatile tool for your small yard.

Bradley Even-Cut 22" Belt-Drive Commercial Push Mower

The four-wheel Bradley Even-Cut 22-inch Belt-Drive Commercial Push Mower is a robust, high-powered option designed for small yards that require extra care. Equipped with a reliable 190cc Briggs & Stratton 8.50 Gross Torque recoil-start engine, this mower delivers long-lasting performance. With its 22-inch cutting width and adjustable cutting height, it effortlessly tackles various terrains in your small yard. Homeowners who prefer mulching can opt for the available mulching kit. This convenient, efficient push mower is ideal for maintaining the beauty of your small lawn.

Bradley Even-Cut 22" Direct-Drive Commercial Push Mower

If you're looking for a self-propelled mower for your small yard, the Bradley Even-Cut 22-inch Direct-Drive Commercial Push Mower is an excellent choice. It stands out with its direct-drive system, which offers more power and requires less maintenance than belt-driven mowers. This mower is a great choice for any small yard, thanks to its 190cc Briggs & Stratton 8.50 Gross Torque recoil-start engine, 22-inch cutting width and adjustable cutting height. Its powerful engine gives it the strength to handle any mowing job.

Types of Walk-Behind Lawn Mowers

Now that we've covered some of the top walk-behind lawn mowers from Bradley Mowers, let's take a look at the different types of walk-behind lawn mowers that are suitable for small yards.

Push Mowers

Push mowers are the most traditional type of walk-behind mower. They require you to physically push them to move forward and cut your grass. As mentioned earlier, the Even-Cut 22-inch Belt-Drive and Direct-Drive Commercial Push Mowers from Bradley Mowers are great options in this category.

Self-Propelled Mowers

Self-propelled mowers are a step up from push mowers. Instead of you having to push the mower, it moves forward on its own with the help of a self-propulsion system. This makes mowing your small yard a lot easier and less tiring. The Bradley Even-Cut 22-inch Direct-Drive Commercial Push Mower, mentioned earlier, falls into this category.

Electric Mowers

Electric mowers are becoming increasingly popular due to their eco-friendly nature and low maintenance requirements. They're powered by electricity instead of gas, making them quieter and emitting zero emissions. They also tend to be lighter and easier to maneuver, making them great for small yards. Bradley Mowers offers an electric self-propelled mower with a 21-inch cutting width that's ideal for smaller yards.

Robotic Mowers

For those who want the ultimate convenience while mowing their small yard, robotic mowers are the way to go. These mowers do all the work for you, using sensors to navigate around your yard and cutting the grass automatically. While they may come with a higher price tag, they save you time and effort in the long run. We offer a robotic mower that can handle up to 1/4 acre of land, making it a great option for small yards.

Gas-Powered Walk-Behind Mowers

Gas-powered walk-behind mowers are the traditional option for small yards. They offer reliable and powerful performance, making them a top choice for many homeowners. Our commercial-grade gas-powered mowers come in a variety of cutting widths to suit different sized yards, including ones as small as 21 inches. Their powerful engines can handle tough grass and uneven terrain.

Mulch Walk-Behind Mowers

Mulching mowers are a great option for those who want to cut their grass into fine clippings and leave them on the lawn as natural fertilizer. Bradley offers a mulching kit that can be added to its walk-behind mowers, making it easy to switch from bagging to mulching. This is a convenient and environmentally friendly option for maintaining a small yard.

Maintenance Tips for Walk-Behind Lawn Mowers

Once you've chosen the best walk-behind mower for your small yard, it's important to properly maintain it to ensure its longevity.

Check the Oil and Gas Levels

Before each use, check the oil and gas levels in your mower. This helps prevent any damage to the engine and encourages smooth operation.

Sharpen Blades Regularly

The blade of your mower is indispensable to achieve a good cut. Over time, blades can become dull or damaged, reducing their effectiveness. Regular inspection and sharpening are necessary to ensure optimal cutting performance. If a blade becomes too damaged, it might need replacement.

Clean After Each Use

After mowing, make sure to clean your mower thoroughly. This includes removing any debris or grass clippings from the blades and undercarriage. Built-up debris can cause corrosion and hinder the performance of your mower. It's also a good idea to give your mower a quick rinse with a hose to remove any remaining debris.

Store Properly

When not in use, it's important to store your walk-behind mower properly. This means keeping it in a dry, covered area away from extreme temperatures and weather conditions. You may also want to invest in a cover for added protection. Storing your mower properly can prolong its life span and save you from costly repairs.

Follow the Manufacturer's Maintenance Schedule

Make sure to follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule for your specific walk-behind mower. This may include routine tune-ups and part replacements, which are crucial for keeping your mower in top shape.

Lawn Care Tips

Proper maintenance of your lawn mower and good lawn care practices are vital to ensure a healthy, vibrant yard. Here are some valuable tips to remember when tending to your small yard:

  • Mow at the right height: Set the height of your mower to between 2 and 3 inches for the best results. This makes your grass have deeper roots and retains more moisture, no matter what type of grass you have.

  • Water regularly: Grass should be watered deeply and only once a week, with around 1 inch of water. This can come from either rain or irrigation. Avoid frequent, light sprinklings.

  • Avoid overfertilizing: Too much fertilizer can harm your lawn and cause excess growth, making mowing more frequent and difficult.

  • Don't neglect the edges: Use a trimmer or edging tool to clean up any uneven edges along sidewalks, driveways and landscaping. This adds a polished look to your lawn.

  • Leave clippings on the lawn: Instead of bagging or raking up grass clippings, consider leaving them on the lawn, as they act as natural mulch and provide nutrients for the soil. Just make sure to mow regularly so the clippings are small and don't smother the grass.

  • Change mowing patterns: Alternate your mowing direction each time you mow. This helps prevent rutting in the lawn and encourages upright growth for a more even cut.

By using these lawn care tips and maintaining your walk-behind mower, you can enjoy a healthy and beautiful yard all year-round. Remember to check your lawn for debris or obstacles before mowing. Also, wear closed-toed shoes and eye protection. With these practices in place, you'll be on your way to having the best-looking yard in the neighborhood.

Get in Touch With Us

Bradley Mowers is committed to providing top-quality outdoor power equipment and excellent customer service. We understand every lawn is different and may need different tools for maintenance. That's why we offer a wide range of walk-behind mowers.

Our team of experts hand-picks the best walk-behind mowers for small yards, ensuring they're reliable, efficient and easy to use. We also provide helpful tips and resources on our website to help you find the right mower for your specific needs. Contact us to learn more about our products and services.